Cyprus Probate Law

Cyprus Probate Law -Critical Points you Never Knew

Have you made your ‘Cyprus Will’?

Make No Mistake, the effects of not having a ‘Cyprus Will’ can be devastating on your loved ones.

Keep reading for more facts, Your ‘Will’ in any other country does not cover immovable property in Cyprus.

There’s more about Cyprus Probate Law , Any currency in any state will be covered only by the ‘Will’ in which country you permanently reside.

Now, listen to this very carefully, Individuals assume their assets in Cyprus will automatically be passed on to their spouse…this is not the case!

With that in mind, Ask yourself do you need to make your ‘Cyprus Will’?

Preparation & Execution of Wills
Grants of Probate
Estate Planning & Trusts
Administration of Trusts

Expert advice is at hand for all your Cyprus Probate Law Related Questions.

Go ahead, Contact our Probate Department today to consult with a specialized member of staff.