The Cyprus Council of Ministers approved on 23/04 additional measures for the support of employees who were affected by the Covid-19 crisis.

The new measures are as follows:

(1) For the Special Unemployment Benefit and the Special Sick leave Benefit, the earnings of 2018 will be taken into account, but also, a comparison will be made according to the salary of January 2020. The amount to be paid will be the highest amount that results from the above comparison taking into account 60% for both calculations.

(2) Employees who first started work in February and March 2020 will also be eligible to apply for the benefits provided that they will be registered by their employers.

(3) For the Special Unemployment Allowance and the Special Sick leave Allowance, there will be a minimum amount to be paid to the Applicants.

(4) Additional measures will be taken for the verification of the bank accounts and certified copies of bank account details will be requested.

(5) Persons over 65 years of age who do not receive a pension and continue to work will also have the right to apply.

(6) No application will be accepted unless the Social Security Number submitted is correct.

(7) The plans will include Categories of economic activity, that were not included, for the period 13/4/2020 – 12/6/2020.

(8) Seasonal Employees whom the regular unemployment benefits from the Social Insurance Fund have been concluded will be eligible to join the Special Plans to receive a Special Unemployment Allowance for the period between 13/4/2020 -12/6/2020.

(9) For cases falling under paragraphs (1) and (3), there would be additional payments.

(10) Small businesses with maximum of nine employees will have the right to also include their general managers or managing directors in the Partial Suspension of Business Plan.

The above arrangements are aimed at supporting employees during and they will continue until 12th of June 2020 and with further support where needed of employers and employees until 12th of October 2020.

To keep up to date, please contact G KOUZALIS LLC.