Civil Partnership Agreement

Cyprus Family Lawyer G. KOUZALIS LLC would like to inform you that as per the 2015 Civil Partnership law, which was amended in 2020, “two heterosexual or homosexual persons” can enter a civil partnership agreement.

The two persons must sign the relevant agreement at the presence of the District Officer, in the area one of them resides, or in any district if they do not reside in Cyprus. Two witnesses should also sign the Civil Partnership agreement.

Each party must provide the District Officer with:

  1. Identity card or passport
  2. Affidavit stating:

i. that he/she is currently not in any other marriage or civil partnership

ii. that he/she is not aware of any impediment to the registration of the civil partnership between the parties

iii. that the required consent is granted

3. Duly certified certificate for marital status as follows:

i. For Cypriot Nationals a single status certificate from the District Office is required.

ii. For European and Third Country Nationals who reside in Cyprus the single status certificate should be obtained by the Migration Department in Nicosia. Upon application at the                              Migration Department to obtain the certificate, the applicant should provide single status certificate duly authenticated from their country.

iii. If both persons are European only the single certificate authenticated by their country is required.

KOUZALIS LLC, lawyers in Cyprus dealing with Family matters, can assist you to follow all steps for your civil partnership. For further information on the matter, do not hesitate to contact G. Kouzali Law Firm at 23811788 or at