How to make a will in Cyprus

How to make your will in Cyprus – What documents you need to make your Cyprus Will

The most important step after buying your Cyprus Property is arranging your Cyprus Will.

We offer Tailor-made Wills to suit all of your requirements.

There are certain documents we will need in order for us to prepare your Cyprus Will:

A Copy of Contract of Sale
Copy of passports and addresses for persons making the will in Cyprus.
Copy of passports and addresses for all beneficiaries.
If beneficiary is under 18 a guardian must be appointed of which we will also need a copy of their passports and address.
Once we have all of these documents we can precede in making your Will, so that all you have to do is sign your name on your next visit to Cyprus. No fuss, no waiting just a signature.

Our probate department are very experienced and professional and we take care of everything so you can be safe in the knowledge that your loved ones will be taken care of after your passing.

Contact us today to arrange your will in Cyprus.